
UOC Sports Medicine Fellowship Program Earns Continued Accreditation

Altoona, PA - Decemeber, 2018, We are pleased to announce that the University Orthopedics Sports Medicine Fellowship Program, in conjunction with Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, earned continued accreditation through 2021 from the ACGME based on the information gathered from the ACGME representative’s site visit of June 6, 2018. Not only did we earn continued accreditation, but we did so with commendations and no citations! UOC Sports Medicine Team work very hard to provide the best possible education and experience for the Sports Medicine Fellow they train each year.

UOC Sports Medicine Team includes Dr. VanKleunen, Dr. Port, Dr. Saylor, and Dr. Tyndall. To schedule an appointment with them visit us at and click 'Make an appointment' or call us at 814-942-1166.

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in January 2019 and has been updated in December 2021 for accuracy.

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