Body Parts


Hips are designed to rotate inward and outward, bear weight, and keep the body stable. Walking, running, squatting, and jumping with ease are a few signs that your hips are doing their job. Due to the numerous ways in which this ball and socket joint serves the body, it is predisposed to injuries, chronic diseases, and wear-and-tear damage; at UOC, you can trust us to do everything we can to take the hurt out of your hips. Should your hip treatment plan include surgery, UOC’s one-of-a-kind Hip Replacement Program follows an evidence-based approach that results in consistently positive outcomes. In addition, our Total Joint Program Pathway encompasses surgeons, nurses, physical therapists—plus a Total Joint Coordinator—who confidently and compassionately guide you through a total or bilateral hip replacement surgery, giving you the peace of mind you deserve and the professional orthopedic care you expect.

Common Symptoms

The earlier you receive orthopedic care for your hip, the greater your chances of experiencing a positive long-term outcome. One or more of the following common symptoms could be a sign that your hip has sustained damage that needs to be remedied.

These symptoms include, but are not limited to:

  • Lateral hip pain
  • Lower back, groin, or thigh pain
  • Pain that travels down the leg into the knee
  • Difficulty walking or climbing stairs
  • Difficulty putting on socks and shoes
  • Difficulty entering and exiting a car
  • Limping
  • Wobbling
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Common Conditions

When healthy hip components are damaged in small or big ways, the result is an acute or chronic condition that needs to be diagnosed by one of our trained specialists. We recognize your rightful need and desire to move around without hip pain or discomfort, which is why UOC's hip specialists can help you every step of the way, from diagnosis through recovery.

Common symptoms associated with hip conditions include, but are not limited to:

  • Hip arthritis
  • Avascular necrosis
  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Labral tear
  • Osteoporosis
  • Trochanteric bursitis
  • Sacroiliac (SI) joint pain
  • Lumbar arthritis/stenosis
  • Synovitis

Despite how stable the hips are designed to be, injuries and degenerative issues can lead to these and other conditions that we are prepared and skilled at confidently and affordably treating.

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Diagnosis & Treatment

You may enter our office as a stranger with hip pain, but we promise that you will leave as a patient with an accurate diagnosis and detailed treatment plan. Our specialists will work hard to get your hips back in working order. Should your treatment plan involve surgery, enrollment in our Hip Specialty Program allows you to meet with members of our team who can answer your questions, listen to your concerns, and make you feel as comfortable as possible about your path forward.

Hip injuries and conditions can be treated both surgically and non-surgically, depending upon your specific diagnosis and its severity level.

Surgical treatments include:

  • Total hip replacement
  • Bilateral hip replacement
  • Revision hip surgery
  • Hip arthroscopy
  • Osteotomies
  • Bone grafting

Nonsurgical treatment options include:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory creams
  • Cortisone injections
  • Establishment of a weight loss plan

Across our independent practice, our specialists operate with the best of intentions combined with the best orthopedic techniques to offer you a positive outcome and speedy recovery.

Hip Surgery

A specialized orthopedic surgeon can make all the difference in your hip treatment plan and recovery. Using the latest techniques and advanced technology, our expert surgeons at UOC have mastered a variety of complex hip surgeries. We have completed more than 25,000 total joint replacements in our state-of-the-art surgical facility in State College, as well as in our affiliated medical centers across Central Pennsylvania.