Hand & Wrist
The tiny bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the hands, fingers, and wrists are responsible for the body’s ability to carry out fine motor skills like playing an instrument, pouring a cup of coffee, or writing a letter to a friend. At UOC, our specialists recognize that even the smallest movements allow you to enjoy life’s greatest pleasures. That’s why pain or discomfort in your hands or wrists due to arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, a broken bone, or any other acute or chronic condition must be diagnosed correctly and treated appropriately. Our hand and wrist team consists of surgeons, physician assistants, certified hand therapists, and nurses who understand how the hand and wrist function and appreciate the vital role these body parts play in your day-to-day life. Our team at UOC is ready to put their hands and wrists to work so they can help heal yours.
Common Symptoms
Since we use our hands so frequently, they are subject to traumatic injuries and common overuse disorders, such as those caused by repetitive movements that you may perform for work or leisure.
Common symptoms associated with hand and wrist conditions include, but are not limited to:
- Numbness/tingling
- Locking/catching
- Arthritis pain
- Loss of motion
- Lumps and bumps
- Tendonitis
- Loss of sensation
- Animal bites
- Injury-causing infections
One or more of these symptoms can cause you to lose partial or full function of your hands and/or wrists, which is why it's important to schedule an appointment at UOC at your earliest convenience.

Common Conditions
Hand and wrist conditions are wide-ranging. Sometimes it’s easy to take for granted how much these body parts get used and how susceptible to injury they can be. At UOC, we can treat various injuries and conditions, even those you might not expect, such as burns, warts, and animal bites.
Common hand and wrist conditions include, but are not limited to:
- Carpal tunnel
- Trigger finger
- Osteoarthritis/rheumatoid arthritis
- Fractures
- Dupuytren's disease
- Tendonitis
- Masses/cysts
- Lacerations (tendon and nerve)
- Sprains
At our independent practice, we are accustomed to encountering these and other conditions. We encourage you to place our trust in our friendly, approachable care team so your hand and wrist can heal quickly.

Diagnosis & Treatment
Our fellowship-trained hand surgeons diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate your hand or wrist condition so that you can resume not only your daily tasks, but also your passions and hobbies. If at any time you have questions or concerns about your diagnosis or treatment, our friendly and approachable specialists can help you understand and feel reassured by the rehabilitation plan designed specifically for you.
Hand or wrist injuries and conditions can be treated both surgically and non-surgically, depending upon your specific diagnosis and its severity level.
Non-surgical treatments include, but are not limited to:
- Cortisone injections
- Xiaflex injection (for Dupuytren's contracture)
- Fracture care
- Hand therapy by certified therapists
- Paraffin wax units
- Casts, braces, and splints
- Heat and ice treatments
- Scar management
- Pain medication (opioids)
Surgical treatments include, but are not limited to:
- Carpel tunnel release
- De Quervain's release
- Trigger finger release
- Joint replacements (arthroplasty)
- Fracture care/surgery
- Joint fusion
- Amputation
- Excision
- Tendon repair/transfer/reconstruction
- Wrist arthroscopy